So, here's the first felted project I will do. I have already had to frog it once. Ugh. If I get the hang of it I am sure it will come together rather quickly.
*One US #11 30" circular needle or size needed to obtain gauge
*One pair of US #10 double-point needles
*4 locking-ring markers or stitch markers that can slide
*Yarn needle
*Sharp scissors for cutting felted wool
*1 large or 2 small mesh laundry bags
*Washing machine
*Laundry detergent
*"Wool of the Andes" 100% Peruvian wool yarn from Knit Picks:
-7 balls of Fern #23433
-1 ball of Evergreen #23427
-1 ball of Mulled Wine #23423
Finished bag after felting is 11" wide x 10" tall x 4" deep.
Gauge: Using size #11 circular needle and garter stitch: 16 stitches and 28 rows equals 4 1/2".
st(s) = stitch(es)
CO = cast on
BO = bind off
M1 = make one
K = knit
P = purl
Note: The bag body is knit all in one piece. The handles, roses, leaves and stems are knit separately. All pieces are felted in the washing machine and air dried before the bag is assembled. The handles are added after the bag has been assembled. The roses are hand-sewn to the front of the bag.
1. Bag Base - Using Fern yarn and circular needles, CO 60 sts. Do not attach for knitting in the round. K every row for 40 rows.
2. To form sides of bag, pick up and K 20 sts along first short edge of base. Pick up and K 60 sts along next long edge of base. Pick up and K 20 sts along last short edge of base. Note: You should have 160 sts on circular needle.
3. Knitting in the round, P 1, K 58 sts, P 1, place marker. K 18 sts, P 1, place marker, P 1, K 58 sts, P 1, place marker, P 1. K 18 sts, P 1, place marker, P1. Note: The last marker you place marks beginning of round as well as a corner. The four stitch markers mark bag corners. ***I think there is one error in this section. Please read instruction 4 and you will see it says to knit in the round, purling 1 stitch before and after each marker. Anyway, if you go by the diagram below that shows P 1, K 58, P 1, P 1, K 18, etc. you should be just fine.

4. Continue knitting in the round, purling 1 st before and after each marker until bag measures 22" from bottom edge of bag side.
5. Form slots for handles. Beginning on one long edge, K 9 sts after marker. BO 4 sts. K 34 sts. BO 4 sts. K remaining 9 sts before marker.
6. K next 20 sts, purling 1 st before and after each marker.
7. Repeat Steps 5-6 on next long edge.
8. K 9 sts after marker. CO 4 sts and slide onto other needle. Note: Do not knit CO sts. K 34 sts. CO 4 sts and slide onto other needle as before. K 9 sts. Note: There should be 60 sts between markers on long edge.
9. Repeat Step 6.
10. Repeat Step 8. Note: When finished there should be a marker, 60 sts, a marker, 20 sts, a marker, 60 sts, a marker and 20 sts for a total of 120 sts.
11. Finishing bag body - Continue knitting in the round, purling 1 st before and after markers until work measures 1 1/2" from handle openings. BO sts.
12. Handles - Using Fern yarn and double-point needles, CO 5 sts. Work in I-cord pattern for 52". BO sts. Repeat for second handle. Note: Handles should be approximately 22" long once they are felted and attached to bag. If longer handles are desired, continue knitting in I-cord pattern until desired length is achieved.
13. Flower stems - Using Evergreen yarn and double-point needles, CO 3 sts. Work in I-cord pattern for 10"-12". BO sts. Repeat until you have three stems.
14. Leaves - Using Evergreen yarn and circular needle, CO 50 sts. K every row for 34 rows. BO sts. Note: Leaves will be cut from this piece after felting.
15. Roses - Using Mulled Wine yarn and circular needle, CO 35 sts. K every row for 10 rows.
16. Increase: *Row 1: K 1, M 1, K until 1 st from the end, M 1, K 1. Row 2: K. Repeat from * five times until you have 45 sts. BO sts loosely, leaving an 18" tail. Repeat Steps 15-16 until you have three pieces.
17. Fold Mulled Wine pieces in half lengthwise, cast-on edge to bind-off edge. Coil piece around itself to form rose shape. See photo. Using yarn needle and rose tail as thread, hand sew edges together, making sure to secure firmly and catch all edges.
18. Weave in ends for all pieces.
19. Felting - Place knitted items in mesh bag. Set washer on normal cycle, and wash pieces in hot water with no more than 1 teaspoon of laundry detergent for 5-10 minutes. Stop washer and check pieces. Untangle handle and stems if necessary. Repeat until desired finish is achieved. Note: Felting is done when you are not able to see any stitches and bag is desired size. Let washer finish cycle, and spindry pieces.
20. Remove pieces from mesh bag and reshape if necessary. Lay pieces flat to dry, making sure pieces are out of direct sunlight and away from pets. Note: If possible, dry bag over something of similar shpe and size, such as a box or the back of a chair to help bag retain shape. Pieces may take several days to dry. Make sure to turn pieces a few times each day.
21. Finishing - Cut out six leaves from Evergreen knitted pieces.

22. Using Evergreen yarn, hand sew stems and leaves to front of bag. See photo. Note: If stems are too long, cut to desired size. Using Mulled Wine yarn, hand sew roses to front of bag, making sure to secure well. Note: Push rose edges away from rose center, and then stitch through center or rose to hide stitches.
23. Push one end of one handle through one slot in bag top, and knot on outside of bag. Repeat for other end of handle. Repeat step for remaining handle. Use fern yarn to hand sew handles securely to bag inside.
There you go. I hope it turns out as cute as in the picture! Happy knitting!