Friday, December 18, 2009

1998's Merry Christmas Poncho

Time to tell a little story.

The year: 1998
The characters: Me, Chris and Brandon
The setting: Opening presents around the tree-just opened a present from Mom for the Moloso Family

The dialogue.....(as close as I can remember-the words may have been different but the gist was the same):

Me: Oh wow, look at this! Mom made this herself!
Chris: Great (with little enthusiasm).
Me: It is great. Look at the wonderful work she did.
Chris: Yeah. It looks nice.
Me: Why are you being so blase' about it? She made this for us.
Chris: I know but she said it was for the Moloso Family.
Me: And? It is. What's the problem?
Chris: Well, it's not going to fit all of us.
Me: WHAT? What are you talking about?
Chris: Well, it would only fit Brandon.
Me: Wait-what do you think this is?
Chris: A Christmas Poncho?
Me: What?------

At this point all dialogue breaks down so that I can roll around crying with laughter. A Christmas Poncho? Who the heck makes a Christmas poncho??? Eventually I settled down enough to explain to Chris that it was a tree skirt, which-I might add-made about as much sense to him as a Christmas poncho did to me.

So, of course, we had to take a picture of Brandon wearing his Christmas poncho. And this year the Christmas poncho/tree skirt is around the boys' tree downstairs.

Merry Christmas!

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