Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving Feast

We are just over a week away from the big feast and I am getting excited. I'm not exactly sure why I am excited. After all, I have cooked Thanksgiving dinner for any number of years now (at least 10) and there is rarely anyone here besides the four of us and my dad. But once again, I am excited.

Maybe it's the thrill of pulling it all off once again. Or is it cooking a huge, homemade meal? So much of what we eat these days is prepackaged, preserved, oversalted foodstuff. It seems like every night I make something from a can or a box or frozen in the freezer. So that might be the allure of the big turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

And all the trimmings for us means the bird, potates, gravy, oyster dressing, rolls, pickles, olives, cranberry sauce (from a can, jellied only please, and score extra points if you can get it out of the can with all the little can indents still intact), sparkling cider and some sort of dessert. Sometimes it's pumpkin pie, sometimes pumpkin mousse, sometimes chocolate cream pie. Yum.

Beyond that, we have our nephew's birthday this weekend and I don't think I wrote about it but my grandmother passed away on October 28, 2007. I don't know how to even begin to describe my grandmother so I will just say that she will be missed greatly. I loved her and always will and while she may not have been a "famous" person she was a person who knew how to love unconditionally and always find the good and we will all miss her. She was 93 years old and she went peacefully. What more could you ask for?

I love you Grandma!