Sunday, July 8, 2007

Ravelry accepted ME!!!

I've been accepted by Ravelry! It is completely awesome. Knitters, and crocheters, can track ALL of their projects, see how many others are working on the same projects, keep an inventory of needles, keep an inventory of stash yarn, rate WIPs (works in progress) on a happiness scale and get all kinds of ideas. You can link your blog to ravelry, link your flickr account and just have a great time.

Ravelry is still in beta stage so I am hoping it will be a huge success and last forever!

What else is new? I am working on a cute little soap bag. I picked it up here and it is completely cute. I made one in white but my dad snagged it before I even had a chance to take a picture. I'll get a picture of this one when I am finished with it.

We celebrated niece J's birthday this weekend at the cabin. She is 7! Only 7 more weeks until T's birthday and he will be 7 too. Wonderful weather and good food. Brother and I made homemade onion rings and I think we have finally hit upon the perfect method. Found that here.

C fixed my XM radio antenna in the car. Finally I can actually receive a good signal. Now if I can only get HIM out of the car so I don't have to listen to Squizz all the time. I'm more of a Sunny girl myself.

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